01032011.. Duarr!!

Nah loh, apaan tuh yg meledak?

Hehe, kayanya itu saya dan beberapa teman saya sih yg sedang merasa seperti itu. There are days when your world just seems like crumbling down, then it’s all downhill from there.

Someone lost her baby, someone passed away, someone gotta leave her dream house due to her work stuff that led her to moving to another city, someone got their stuff stolen.. Quite so many unfortunate events going on lately, huhh? Inalillahi..

Someone is feeling like losing a friend. Why? Cos she’s noticed that whenever she started talking to her friend, then it all came down to taking advantages between them, “Oh, I need you to do this for me..and that, and those as well”, “Oh, I’m calling you now cos I need you to bla bla”, “Oh, hi how are you?” And she would say, “Didn’t we meet up like, everyday..? And all you can think about when you’re talking to me is this? Only this?”. I guess she started to question the meaning behind their friendship, if there’s still one.

But, WHOAHH!!!

Let’s chill for a while.. 🙂

Some part of the world is still us-friendly, otherwise we wouldn’t still be here, no? Why don’t we be grateful for the time being, or go to that friendly place, with cheerful people inside it, and try to relax, to sit at ease, or to eat something, or anything..just do anything happy..take our time. 🙂

You can have your tears running down, but make sure that it won’t stay that way forever..*talk is cheap, and I do apologize for that*

For those of you who might just be wondering what this is about, this post is not about what’s happening in the office today. Nope. Not at all. *congrats to each of you, I’m sure you all deserve it well. :)* I just need to get this out of the system, that’s all.